Saturday, September 22, 2007

Some of us are obsessed with cats and animals. Hopefully this will appease those who keep demanding photos and news. We moved into our new house the night after the physicians oath ceremony. Carrying boxes and furniture at 4am wasn't so was a bit cooler and some wine and vodka made it fun! Of course waking up at 8am the next day was not as enjoyable. It's been 2 weeks since then and the house (or cottage i should say) is looking much better. The cats like it too, as the can wander in and out. Milly is still as petite and sleepy as ever, but she is adorable and though I don't think she is the healthiest cat, she seems to enjoy herself.

Kona is still wild, knocking over chairs at night and running madly about chasing feathers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am sure there are others equally interested in the adventures of Kona and Milly.